CONTACT Andrew Eagan 952-249-1999 x.205 andrewe@wirelessns.com
Wireless Network Solutions releases new features to innovative technology solution changing the way operations conduct inspections and maintenance processes.
Excelsior, MN – Wireless Network Solutions announced the new release of Inspector+ 4.0, a barcode inspection based application used as a tool to eliminate pen and paper tracking. The new release of software will provide users with a more robust application with new features and capabilities, such as, signature capture, photo capture, and custom reporting to allow organizations to capture all the information they need to best manage their facilities.
“Inspector+ 4.0 is an opportunity for businesses to be a pioneers in their industry, it will be a platform that gives managers all of the tools they need to ensure that their operations are complainant with industry standards and regulations,” says Tom Eagan, Managing Partner of WNS. “WNS is excited to continue provide our clients the latest inspection technology to improve their operations.”
Performance and Usability
Inspector+ 4.0 is a one-of-a-kind barcode-based inspection management system that simplifies the way businesses conduct assessments, inspections, and many other work order processes. Hosted in the cloud, Inspector+ 4.0 collects data on handheld devices with scanning capabilities and transmits the data via an internet connection to a hosted site.
“Inspector+ 4.0 is an innovated solutions that allows organizations to get a snapshot at single locations or an entire company at any time,” says Andrew Eagan, Business Development Manager. “With the new capabilities in Inspector+ 4.0, it will help facilities increase productivity and accountability.”
Pricing and Availability
Inspector+™ software and packages are available now at www.inspectorplus.net
Wireless Network Solutions, Inc. (WNS) works with organizations to help them incorporate the latest technology in data collection into their operations. WNS specializes in the following avenues: barcode scanning and printing, card readers, wireless infrastructures, RFID, data collection, application development, and cloud migration.
Wireless Network Solutions can be contacted for more information by visiting the website at www.wirelessns.com, by email at sales@wirelessns.com, or by phone at 952 249-1999.